Bo Phe Nam Ha brand to donate bicycles to students

Bo Phe Nam Ha brand to donate bicycles to students

Bo Phe Nam Ha brand to donate bicycles to students

Bo Phe Nam Ha brand to donate bicycles to students13/09/2024

On the morning of September 4, 2024, Bo Phe Nam Ha brand cooperated with the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Chau Doc city, An Giang province to donate bicycles to students from disadvantaged backgrounds at the Chau Doc City Party Committee Hall.

NamHa Pharma’s representative gives bicycles to students

As the school year is about to start, the new bicycles are meaningful gifts that Bo Phe Nam Ha brand directly gives to disadvantaged students.

The bicycles will accompany the students to school

The bicycles are not only the close friends that take students to school every day, but also a source of encouragement for them to overcome difficulties and study well.

Students will have a more steady journey in the future

Over 6 decades of development, in addition to constantly innovating and improving the quality of healthcare products for Vietnamese people, NamHa Pharma is also active in social responsibility activities, especially the education of children, the future of the country.

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